Hi everyone, Merry Christmas & Happy New Year from Costa Rica.

In speaking with so many of my friends and clients it seems we share many things in common. We have all learned a lot about ourselves, a lot about our friends and neighbors. Aren’t we lucky to be the people we each are? I have never witnessed so much patience, understanding, goodwill and most of all giving. We all do it. We know it exists every day. But to see these things so out in the open is incredible.
In 2021 there is still much to be done
Where we are here in Central America, daily strive is close to home. Tourism is at approximately 20% of what it was this time last year, causing much pain and hunger. North of Costa Rica, Daniel Ortega has just passed another law aimed at keeping his opponents out of Nicaragua’s 2021 election. And the hurricane season took a huge toll throughout our neighbors to the north.
What does all this have to do with Christmas, Costa Rica, our daily lives?
That answer is rather easy, and I have touched on it many times in the past. Get yourself here to Costa Rica!!! Why?? You’ll feel younger, alive, rejuvenated, with a renewed passion for live. And how is that important? Because God can’t use unmotivated people.

So lets get 2021 rolling
– Stop for 5 minutes and take stock of the good things in your life
– Call someone you know that needs to hear a friendly voice
– Contact an old friend
– Do something important with part of what you have, like supporting a food drive here in Costa Rica with your family or friends
– If you’re having a hard time, call me from anywhere toll free and let’s start turning that ship around together. 1-877-205-5507. I am also available on Whatsapp at +1-506-8360-1006
– Plan your next visit to Costa Rica and bring a friend
Most of all, remember you’re not alone, and I hope to here from each of you. We will be here waiting for you in Costa Rica. Pura Vida
Locked inside this Christmas?
Spend awhile remembering some of the great Christmas decorations and nativity scenes you’ve seen over the years. I’ll get you started with 4 that readily pop into mind
- Looking over Lake Superior in the winter at 3 or 4 am on a frozen winter’s night. From Hwy 17 west around Montreal River in northern Ontario, Canada. No need for extra Christmas lights there. The stars do a perfect job.
- Outside of Filadelfia Costa Rica. They set up a beautiful Christmas display at the planation
- Peoria Illinois, USA. The light capital. Amazing Christmas displays there.
- And on the little houses that dot the country roads through the farmland here in Guanacaste. The homes and lights may be meager. And there certainly isn’t extra money for gifts. But the Christmas spirit hasn’t faded.
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. Theo